熱帶植物園就在門口 !!

高坪 15 路 & 18 路交叉口就是植物園 D 區入口. 很容易找到. 若懶得走那麼遠, 可以開車走 18 路, 直接入正門口.

( 正門口 迎賓區廣場)


往高坪 18 路 一直騎, 直到看到 這棟 " 歐洲大別墅" , 馬上左轉 入高坪 七 路 !

在高坪七 路您會看到 " 聯邦運輸公司 "..

您會 在 高 坪 七 路 上 看 到 " 歐 星 空 湯 墅 ", 請 注意, 再往前 一點點就要左轉了..

在這左轉 !

轉到 高坪五路, 你會 看到一排別墅 ( 左手邊 ). 怎麼又是別墅? 對啊 ! 大坪頂 是高雄市的別墅區啊!

再往前, 另一棟.... ( 右手邊 )

看到這個, 請 再次 左 轉 ( 這一趟路, 共有三次左轉 )

您會看到 " 天文宮 " 的路標, 請繼續原路前進. 千萬不可右轉, 可會轉去天文宮.

不到三分鐘, 您就看到" 鳳山水庫", 請右轉 !

2009 年年底完工的 「大坪頂熱帶植物園」,讓以「花園城市」為目標的高雄市綠意更加盎然,綠地圖更完整,除了位在北高雄以台灣及高雄原生地貌與物種為主題的原生植物園外,「熱帶植物園」面積更廣闊,也將是高雄市熱帶植物物種多樣化的基地。

「熱帶植物園」位在小港區高坪特定區公4、公5用地,鄰近鳳山水庫,總面積23.74公頃。自然生態豐富,有丘陵、低地、台地等地形。 熱帶植物園的定位,將朝有系統的蒐集、保存及栽培台灣熱帶植物,以「熱帶植物的博物館」與「市民生態旅遊」為設置目標。


Dapingding Tropical Botanical Garden, completed in end of year 209 in Southern Kaohsiung ,adds more greenery and lushness in Kaohsiung City. Compared to Indigenous Plant Garden, located in Northern Kaohsiung and characterized by Kaohsiung's native land features and species, Tropical Botanical Garden is larger in size and is home to diversified tropical plants of Kaohsiung.

Tropical Botanical Garden is located in Gong 4 and Gong 5 in Siaogang District near Fongshan Reservoir. This 23.74-acre garden has rich ecological resources and various terrains such as hills, lowlands, and tablelands.

The Maintenance Office of the Public Works Bureau mentioned that Tropical Botanical Garden will be positioned as a museum of tropical plants and a recreational park for Kaohsiung residents by systematically collecting, preserving, and cultivating Taiwan-based tropical plants.
The garden features Ecology Exposition Center, Green Path, Observation Deck, wood bridges, pavilions, Forest Education Center, and four theme areas specialized in the exhibition and preservation of tropical plants as well as ecological education and tourism. It is not only an outdoor natural classroom in Southern Kaohsiung but is also a great recreational destination for the public.

The completion of Tropical Botanical Garden brings more green resources to the local landscape. This garden and Chaishan play the role of "Lungs of the City", while their northern counterpart, Indigenous Plant Garden, provides biological diversity. Kaohsiung is getting closer to the goal of becoming a "Garden City".